Rehua Marae pānui – March 2013
Ngā Mate o ēnei Marama
Since our last pānui Rehua Marae has hosted two tangihanga.
Marge Cooper – Ngāti Porou
Jason Tana – Nga Puhi
From the Chair
Ka tangi, ka hopo ki ngā tini aituā o te wā,
Ko rātou i whakaritea te ara mā tātou,
Ko tātou ka whāia i o rātou tapuwae,
Nō reira e ngā mate, haere, haere, e oki atu rā.
Nei te reo o Te Whirarangi e pāorooro ana ki ngā maunga whakahī,
Ko Ngāti Pahauwera tēnei, ko Ngāti Kahungunu tēnei e mihi kau ana.
Kei aku huia kaimanawa, kei aku rangatira, huri taiāwhio i Waitaha nei,
E rere ana te manako nui ki a koutou i runga i ngā tini āhuatanga o te wā.
Nōku te māringanui, nōku anō te hōnore nui, kia tū hei Heamana mō tō tātou marae,
Ko Te Whatu Manawa Māoritanga o Rehua e tau nei.
Mā tini, mā mano ka rapa te whai.
Tēnā anō tātou.
It is a great pleasure to be writing my first message as chair of Te Whatu Manawa Māoritanga o Rehua Board of Trustees. As the son of a Rehua Māori Trade Training old boy it is an honour to be involved and contributing as the next generation.
On behalf of the Trustees I want to acknowledge Dora Langsbury who recently stepped down as both chair and a Trustee. Dora dedicated much time and energy to the marae and our community over the past 18 months. She guided the board and supported staff through a period of change and her commitment and enthusiasm will be greatly missed. You will see Dora around the marae from time to time as she continues to juggle her busy life and remain active in the Rehua community. Tēnei te mihi atu ki a koe.
The board continues to progress Te Putahi Nui o Rehua, a project investigating what developments can be carried out to improve and develop the current marae facilities. The project also encompasses the repair work covered under our insurance claims. After an open tender process we have engaged OPUS International to undertake the first stage of a design and feasibility study looking at options for the marae. We will keep you informed and involved as this work progresses.
We recently underwent an audit of our Kaumātua Services and are working with the Canterbury District Health Board and an independent provider to ensure our kaumātua continue to receive the high level of care they deserve and to meet newly introduced national standards.
Rehua Marae continues to be busy hosting many school groups, visitors, wānanga and hui. The marae looks beautiful and is a credit to our Manager Raylee and her team.
Phil Tumataroa
Rehua Trustee Vacancy
E te iwi, anei ētahi tūranga hou, tēnā tono mai!
The Rehua Board of Trustees is seeking an energetic and committed person to join the board. Rehua is a busy and vibrant city marae, dedicated to contributing to the cultural, social, educational and economic needs of its community.
The marae has a whakapapa spanning 60 years which encompasses all iwi, races, religions and sectors of the community.
The full board consists of seven Trustees, but currently we have one position vacant.
If you have knowledge and experience in leadership, tikanga Māori, governance, management, finance, law, government relations, social services, community services, business, networking or contracting we would ike to hear from you.
Applicants please address your covering letter and CV to:
The Secretary
Rehua Marae
79 Springfield Road
Richmond 8014
or email to: Applications close 5pm on Friday April 19, 2013
Kahui Kaumātua Wānanga
Tū te ao tū te pō ka ao ka ao ka awatea.
The first Kahui Kaumātua Wānanga held on 17 February was a great success with an awesome turn out by kaumātua and the community. The kaupapa was around the Ratana and Wetereiana involvement with a historical account by Terry Ryan. The second wānanga on 17 March was just as successful with great kōrero around tikanga and other topics.
The timing and venue coincide with whakamoemiti of the Hahi Rātana, held every third Sunday of each month. This is now set for the year and the invitation is extended to all. Nau mai, haere mai.
Nō reira he mihi kau atu kia koutou katoa e ngaku kaumātua
Maintenance Report
After two years the small Whare Manaaki (rest room) for manuhiri at the Springfield Road entrance is functioning again. The main water pipe was ruptured two years ago, but has now been repaired. This will make things a little more comfortable for manuhiri, especially kaumātua, gathering to come on to the marae.
Earthquake insurance related repairs are underway. Expect more work to be carried out over the coming weeks.
Hauora Day
On Wednesday 27 February Rehua Marae ran the successful Whakamana Hauora Day. About 30 health related organisations set-up stalls and were on hand to offer advice and talk to visitors. While the number of visitors were relatively low, it was still a great event for providers to get together and network.
These Hauora Days were a regular annual fixture on the Rehua calendar, but this is the first one to be held in a number of years. Judging by the success of this year’s we will be holding another one in 2014.
Harry’s Māra
Harry Ehau has received the 2013 Burwood/Pegasus Community Board Community Pride Garden Award for the fabulous work he does caring for the Rehua Marae grounds. This is the third time Harry has received a Thank You Garden Award from the Christchurch Beautifying Association after recognition in 2008 and 2009.
Tau kē Harry!!!
City to Surf
Rehua Marae staff, Elena, Raylee and Sammi (pictured) supported by Maureen, completed the 6km City to Surf Walk on Sunday, 24 March. It was a hot day with thousands of walkers and runners joining the annual event.
Ka mau te wehi koutou!!!
– what’s coming up!
Church Service
Date: Sunday 21 April
Time: 11.00am
Kahui Kaumātua Hui
Date: Sunday 21 April
Time: following Church Service
Kaumātua Luncheon
Date: Wednesday 24 April
Time: 12.30pm
Marae Bookings
Rehua Marae is the perfect venue for wānanga, hui, weddings, birthdays and celebrations for whānau, community or corporate events.
For all bookings and enquiries contact the marae or call in to the office:
Phone: 03 355 5615
Fax: 03 355 4964
Rehua old boys, girls and whānau
Rehua is building a database of names and addresses and invites all old boys and girls and whānau to contact us with your details. Your information will remain confidential and will allow Rehua to stay in touch with you and let the community know what’s happening at the marae.
Please contact Elena Gapper:
Work: 03 355 5615