October 2013 Newsletter

Rehua Marae pānui | October 2013
Ngā Mate o ēnei Marama
Since our last pānui Rehua Marae has hosted two tangihanga.
Mita Edwards – Ngāpuhi
Hemi Walker – Ngāti Porou i te taha o tōna hākoro. Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa, Tuhoe i te taha o tōna whaea.

From the Chair

Kia ora koutou,
Another year has almost come and gone. On a financial note anyway another year has passed and our accounts are with the auditors making sure all the numbers are correct. In terms of financial performance it has been a successful year and if you would like to find out first-hand how things have gone you are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting to be held at the marae on Monday 27 November starting at 6pm. It will be a chance to review the year and catch up on some of the projects happening at the marae; and share kai.
In March we underwent a quality audit by the Canterbury District Health Board in relation to our Kaumātua Services. We have recently received notice that the Kaumātua Service meets all the requires of the CDHB which is great news thanks to the hard work of our marae management team Raylee and Elena and Maureen and Sammi who run the service. The audit was a good opportunity to refresh some of our policies and procedures right across the marae and stands us in good stead for the future.
We are currently working on a website for the marae having received funding from the Christchurch City Council and plan to have it up and running before the year is out. It will be a place for our marae and trade training history as well as a useful tool for management and Kaumātua Services.
Our church services continue to be well attended with our Kahui Kaumātua meeting regularly following the service. Ruawhitu Pokaia continues to support the kāhui and they are working together to establish tikanga guidelines for the marae.
Last year we held our first Carols at the Pā; and this year we are doing it again on Friday 6 December. Whānau and community groups are invited to run stalls and we have a great line up of entertainment, and of course, lots of carol singing. Bring a blanket and a picnic and enjoy an evening with whānau and friends.

Nāhaku noa,

Phil Tumataroa

Maintenance Report
We have had a detailed inspection of our sewer and waste water systems undertaken recently. We have experienced some issues with blocked drains over the past few months. A specialised camera was used to determine what the problems are and if they are related to earthquake damage – we will be talking to our insurers about repairs.

Kaumātua ServicesComputers in Homes
Computers in Homes is a 10 week course that got under way at Rehua in October. It helps provide whānau in need with a computer and the necessary training and support to use it in the home. We have a full complement of 10 kaumātua from our community taking part in the course and the opportunity to run further courses if there is demand. For a small fee participants are able to purchase a computer and receive free broadband installation and service for a year. The programme is run out of DORA (Mobile Digital Learning Centre) an old school bus that is kitted out with all the mod-cons. This course follows on from the successful e-Kaumātua course run by Hagley Community College.

Harry, Tatiana and Ria are pictured with Roz receiving their e-Kaumātua course certificates.

What’s been happening!

New Rehua van
We have been able to purchase a new van for the marae. Our old van has given us good service, but after many years it is tired and ready to go out to pasture. We applied to First Sovereign Trust for a grant and were successful in securing $20,000. We are very grateful and wish to thank the Trust for supporting the marae to provide a valuable asset for our Kaumātua Service and the community. The new van is a 2008 Nissan Caravan capable of carrying 10 passengers with all the mod-cons.

Maureen, Sammi and our new van.

Henare ‘Bob’ Tai the former Trustee and Te Whatu Manawa Māoritanga o Rehua chair was recently presented with a pounamu taonga in recognition of his years of service to Rehua Marae and its community. Bob is now based in Tauranga , but still has plenty of reasons to return to Ōtautahi.

Kaumātua Services: Megan Karena
Registered nurse Megan Karena (Ngāti Kahungungu), was welcomed to Kaumātua Services with a pōwhiri held at Purapura Whetu offices on November 4. Megan has just returned from overseas after two years and has been a registered nurse for many years.  Megan previously worked with Hokonui Rūnanga Social Services in Gore and will provide 20 hours a week clinical support to kaumātua utilising our Rehua Marae Day Care services and a further 20 hours working with Purapura Whetu in a postnatal infant project. The collaborative arrangement with Purapura Whetu is unique and welcomed by CDHB as an innovative solution to a Maori Workforce issue.

Audrey Browning (Grandmother), Sharon Lee (Aunty), Megan and Michael Karena (Brother).

Tree planting

Te Mairiki Williams, Sunny West (Teacher) and Tony Simpson (Principal), of Phillipstown School planted a Horopito (Pepper) tree as their koha to the marae and as a memorial tree for the school.

Phillipstown School                                                                           Karamea School

St Paul’s School                                                                                 St Martins School

Marae Hīkoi
The Marae to Marae Hīkoi was held on 4 October. The 6.5km walk from Ngā Hau e Whā to Rehua was organised by He Oranga Pounamu and the Christchurch City Council. Raylee, Sammi and Trustee Maania Farrar joined more than 70 whānau for the walk which was one of 25 planned walking activities for the  Walking Festival held in Christchurch from Friday 27 September to Sunday 6 October.

Calendar – what’s coming up!

Carols at the Pā
If you are interested having a stall download the PDF and complete the registration form: – PDF of Flyer

Annual General Meeting
Date: Monday November 25, 2013
Time: 6pm
Venue: Rehua Marae
Rehua whānau and community are invited to join the Trustees for the AGM. It will be an opportunity to hear about the financial position of the marae, potential options for the redevelopment of the marae and its buildings as well as share a kai and kōrero. Nau mai haere mai koutou. Please contact Elena to RSVP to help with catering.

Church Service
Date: Sunday 17 November, 2013
Time: 11.00am

Kahui Kaumātua Hui
Date: Sunday 17 November, 2013
Time: following Church Service

Christmas Holiday Closures
The marae is:
Closed: Monday 23 December, 2013
Reopen: Monday 6 January, 2014
The marae phone will be monitored during this period for important matters such as tangi.

Marae Bookings
Rehua Marae is the perfect venue for wānanga, hui, weddings, birthdays and celebrations for whānau, community or corporate events.
For all bookings and enquiries contact the marae or call in to the office:
Phone: 03 355 5615
Fax: 03 355 4964
Email: rprice@rehuamarae.org.nz

Rehua old boys, girls and whānau
Rehua is building a database of names and addresses and invites all old boys and girls and whānau to contact us with your details. Your information will remain confidential and will allow Rehua to stay in touch with you and let the community know what’s happening at the marae.

Please contact Elena Gapper:
Work: 03 355 5615
Email: egapper@rehuamarae.org.nz