E tangi ana te marae o Rehua ki ngā mate kua hinga mai ki Waitaha whānui. Nō reira, e ngā mate huhua,haere atu rā ki te kāinga wairua i te rangi. Whakaoti atu. Ngā mihi hoki ki ngā kirimate, kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui. Mauri ora ki a tātou.
Ardie Te Aroha Beazley (Ngā Puhi)
From the Chair
Ka whakamihia, ka whakanuia, ā, ka tangihia ngā tini mate o te wā. Noho mai rā i ngā manaakitanga o te wāhi ngaro. Okioki mai rā
Huri noa, ki a tātou, nei te whakamiha, nei te mihi kau ki ngā karangatanga maha. Ko te tūmanako ia, e ora ana koutou i te kāinga, i te mahana o tō whare. Mauri ora ki a tātou.
Kia ora koutou,
Our marae has been very busy with groups welcomed for day visits, wānanga and marae noho. It’s heartening to see Te Whatumanawa Māoritanga o Rehua in such demand and continuing to serve a vital role in the community.
We had a great week of Matariki events in June. Personally the highlight was seeing whānau rally to manaaki our kaumātua at the luncheon. Everyone was well catered for with delicious kai, great service and entertainment. Our kaumātua networks are strong, the kāhui is active and meeting regularly, and our Kaumātua Service day care programme is going from strength to strength offering needed support and regular weekly activities.
Matariki is a time of planning and planting for new growth and the Trustees and staff have been busy over recent months progressing Te Putahinui o Rehua, our marae redevelopment project. The first stage plans will see repairs carried out on the wharenui, a new kitchen, redeveloped dining hall and ablution block. We have made great strides recently with the plans approved, the resource consents process underway and tender process for the building phase well advanced. The marae is in a strong financial position to help fund this work and we are also actively seeking external sources of funding. We are hopeful this work can be completed before March next year.
Over the past year we have been utlising the first tranche of funding secured from the Māori Provider Development Scheme to upgrade our computer and phone systems, support the professional development our workforce and create a three year operational development plan. It is exciting to see these work streams progressing and the benefits flowing on to our staff, manuhiri and the marae as a whole.
In August we moved the Rehua archive materials to the Canterbury Cultural Collections Recovery Centre located at the Wigram Airforce Museum. This now means all our historical documents and photos are in a safe, state of the art temperature controlled environment until such a time as we are able to make our own arrangements to protect them effectively for the long term. We continue to have access to them whenever we need to and can remove them at any time. We owe a huge debt of thanks to Jill Durney and Takerei Norton from Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu for helping secure the archive storage space and to Moya Sherriff and the Recovery Centre staff for making the facility available to us.
On October 20 the board is holding its Annual General Meeting at Rehua. Whānau are most welcome to attend.
Nāhaku noa, nā
Phil Tumataroa
Marae Manager
This year’s Matariki celebrations were a resounding success, with excellent attendance and participation by many from our broad range of communities and organisations.
The Matariki Luncheon held on Wednesday 25 June focused on our kaumātua, with plenty of kai and entertainment. Special thanks to muso “Henare” for his support and waiata and all those who practiced their Māori-oke skills. Everyone also enjoyed an interactive Matariki themed quiz.
On the Thursday Linwood Primary School Kapa Haka performed and we were inspired with an informative presentation on taonga puoro (musical instruments) by Mahina Kaui. Mahina brought more than 20 different taonga puoro with her and the large turnout of children and adults enjoyed the opportunity to touch and use the instruments.
Matariki Whānau Day was held on the Saturday with workshops, kai kourt and market place. Highlights were the mirimiri and romiromi clinic held by Māori healer, Atarangi Muru and supported by local kaimirimiri and whānau.
Kahui Kaumātua
In August the Kahui Kaumātua held a three day noho marae wānanga. The wānanga was attended by about 20 kaumātua. Kōrero included iwi waiata, tangihanga, karanga and whaikōrero. Regular wānanga will be held over the next year so our kaumātua can kōrero on relevant topics. Ruawhitu Pokaia, the Kahui Kaumātua representative on the board is also working with the kāhui to ultimately develop resources on kawa and tikanga pertinent to Rehua Marae and to look at ways we can grow and support our paepae by mentoring our kaikorero and kaikaranga. Our next wānanga is planned to be held 3, 4, 5 October. If you wish to participate please contact our office 03 355 5615 or Marisa Pokaia 021777094.
Marae BookingsRehua Marae is the perfect venue for wānanga, hui, weddings, birthdays and celebrations for whānau, community or corporate events.For all bookings and enquiries contact the marae:
Phone: 03 355 5615
Fax: 03 355 4964
Email: egapper@rehuamarae.org.nzRehua Old Boys, Girls and Whānau Rehua is building a database of names and addresses and invites all old boys and girls and whānau to contact us with your details. Your information will remain confidential and will allow Rehua to stay in touch with you and let the community know what’s happening at the marae.Please contact Elena Gapper:
Work: 03 355 5615
Email: egapper@rehuamarae.org.nz
Kaumātua Services
This year has seen a resurgence of our service that was established at Rehua in the 1990’s. We are grateful to our Kohanga Reo South Island office, for sharing their facility for our Kaumātua Days and activities. Activities include: waiata (Nga mihi ki a Whaea Te Here Tukaki); tai chi; Mahi Toi, Mahi Raranga and guest speakers and presentations. The service has recently established a Kaumātua Komiti with the membership electing four kaumātua to represent them with matters regarding the service, activities and fundraising.
Maintenance Report
The winter season, has its challenges in maintaining our extensive grounds and gardens to a high standard, we appreciate the support given by community service workers and look forward to planning a working bee sometime in the spring. Watch out for this date and we encourage as many as possible to awhi and tautoko.
Hosting Maori and Pacific Health Forum with guest speakers, Byron Perkins (Massey University) and Eroni Clarke (Matua Raki Pacific Workforce)
What’s coming up!
Polling Booth 2014 Election
Date: Saturday 20 September
Kahui Kaumātua – Noho Marae Wānanga
Date: 3,4, 5 October
Contact office for details
‘Movies at the Pā’
Date: Saturday 4 October
Details coming soon.
Te Whatumanawa Māoritanga o Rehua Annual General Meeting
Date: Monday 20 October
Time: 6pm
We will have the AGM which will include the chair and treasurer’s report followed by kai. For catering purposes please RSVP by 13 October to Elena: egapper@rehuamarae.org.nz if you wish to attend.
Hahi Ratana Church Services
Date: Every third Sunday of the month.
Time: 11am
Followed by a shared kai.