Kaumātua Services (Te Kaitaka Tupuna)
The Kaumātua Services were established in 1991 to ensure kuia and kaumatua have their independence and dignity; and, that their self-worth is maintained as they live in their own home or with whānau.
Services include:
Kaupapa Māori Kaumātua Service
This service focuses on meeting the special needs of Māori by providing appropriate kaupapa Iwi/Māori services. The service is a two-day per week programme run on a Tuesday and Thursday 10am – 2.00pm. The activities include Waiata, Raranga and Te Reo Māori.
We provide a range of activities that are mentally and socially stimulating and recreational and therapeutic benefit.
Whānau Ora Community Health Service
A community health service providing a range of general health education/promotion, advisory, liaison and co-ordination activities. These services are delivered through hauora wānanga, the development of a whānau health plan, face-to- face sessions with individuals and face-to- face sessions with whānau.
We have a registered nurse available to assist clients and their whānau. Any Māori client/whanau may refer themselves to the registered nurse for an assessment and development of an individual health plan.
If you would like more information please contact: Vivian Te Mana Hahipene, Marae Manager – Ph:03 355 5615